What does “NASC” mean?
The NASC is the National Animal Supplement Council. We are an active NASC member, and all qualified supplemental products meet the NASC requirements. Once a...
Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 3:08 PM
What is the difference between full and broad-spectrum hemp?
Broad spectrum: this hemp, once extracted and concentrated to get to the dosage desired for best administration in dogs and cats, contains THC that must be ...
Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 3:10 PM
Is there an efficacy difference between chews and oils?
There is no evidence to believe that one is more efficacious than another. Each product is formulated, and each cannabinoid is distillated in a way that all...
Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 6:30 PM
What is the return policy?
Our return policy for supplements is identical to that of our feed products.           To make an exc...
Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 6:14 PM